Winter Storm Warning in effect from Friday evening into Sunday evening...we are still on track for a major winter storm.
If the metro area sees a foot of snow (still very possible, we are predicting 10-12") it will be the first foot of snow ever reported at MSP in February (records go back to 1891).
Heaviest snow comes Friday night and again Saturday night....a few isolated locations could wind up with over 15" by Monday morning.
Normally this would be very good news, I'd be tremendously excited. But not when I'm supposed to be flying. I hate flying. (Actually, I should amend that; I hate being a passenger. I've taken aviation classes before, and the hour I spent in the pilot's seat of a Cessna was a lot of fun and not at all scary. Plus, I'm not much good in the passenger seat of cars either; just ask my husband). I was hoping for a smooth trip this time; last time the pilot had "one of those lights" light up and had to slam on the brakes halfway down the runway, then we started hydroplaning and fishtailing. Then we had to get back in line to do it all over again.
You know what would be worse than taking off in an ice storm? Waiting around in the airport with two kids for hours before taking off in an ice storm.
Mostly I'm grumpy because both of the boys have had the stomach flu this week. Of course this always hits in the dead of night, and not the same night either. Aidan is a big enough kid now to get himself to the bathroom in time, but Oliver has this thing where he has to hide the fact that he's sick for as long as he can, so he pukes in the space between his bed and the wall. This morning has been all about scraping half-digested kidney bean husks off the walls and floor. Thank god the Lego totes around his bed all have covers now. The last time he did this, he puked into open totes.
I really need this vacation. I don't like to talk about my day job, but let's just say the last week has been one of those where anyone would want to get very far away from one's coworkers for a spell. Plus my brain is just fried. Yesterday I got another rejection for a short story, so as usual I reprinted the story right away with a cover letter, stuck it in an envelope with an SASE, and took it to the post office. Then I got home and I can't find that rejection letter anywhere. I'm afraid I know where it went to. *sigh*.