Monday, March 21, 2005

...and we're back

Louisa May Alcott, by why of the Jo March character, described it as "a vortex". I don't think I'm quite that bad, but I have been in a very writerly place the last month. I finished the short story I am looking to submit to WOTF, which is called The Saga of Thordis Thorgilsdottir, am nearly finished with another which is more fantasy than SF but there is an element of string theory in it (although none of the characters calls it that, of course) called Of Tapestries and Daemons. I'm also polishing off the... well it's really more of a novella than a short story, but the one that was a finalist in the last WOTF. What I've realized, now that there is some distance from when I first wrote it, is that I chickened out in the end and backed away from what I wanted to do. So I've lopped off the last 20+ pages and trying not to venture back into the realm of silliness. Ah yes, and that is called The Tao of Troth, which I thought was a very cool title until I realized it I would be required to, you know, explain it. Well, my next story title will have no T's in it whatsoever, I've decided.

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