Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I'm so ashamed

I mentioned some months ago my intention to see the M. Night Shyamalan movie Lady in the Water at the first opportunity because the reviews were so scathingly bad, I just had to see it for myself. Quin, who just doesn't know how to enjoy bad movies, was out of town Sunday night so I took the opportunity to pop in the movie, kick back, and prepare to enjoy the badness.
I kept waiting for the badness, but somewhere in there I got swept in and forgot it was supposed to suck. I just really liked it.
Now, everything Roger Ebert said in his review is completely true. The "rules" are over explained, and it bothered me that the Korean woman who spoke no English was the authority on things called "narfs" and "scrunts". I don't speak Korean but I've heard it spoken, and those don't sound like Korean words to me. (I think it would have added an interesting twist if the Korean woman was telling a bedtime story she thought was American or European and none of the other people knew what she was talking about - a sourceless story that was foreign to everybody. But that's just me). The storyline involving the critic as the arrogant person who contributes nothing was really heavy-handed and makes M. Night seem like a bitter writer getting back at his "enemies".
I can't help it, I liked it. I blame the actors. Paul Giamatti was charming, and the other inhabitants of the apartment compex made a distinctive, interesting bunch. M. Night casting himself as the writer felt more logical than egotistical (I think it's true of most writers; we secretly hope to inspire someone else to greatness).
Now this isn't a recommendation. I'm not surprised most people hate this movie. As I see it, there are two kinds of fairy tale movies these days: movies like Shrek or Ever After that put modern attitudes into fairy tale times, and movies like this one or The Lake House that put fairy tale attitudes into modern times. The latter tend not to succeed as well as the first category, I think because they require you to suspend all disbelief to enjoy them. No one is going to explain how the time travel works or where the Blue Lands are. You either buy it or you don't.
Me, I have no disbelief to suspend. This is probably not a good thing. But what can I tell you? I love a fairy tale.

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