Monday, March 19, 2007

Marie Brennan is the coolest

She's practically making my mission statement here. And she sounds just as pissed off by these attitudes as I am (it's a good thing, that pissed off feeling, it fuels the writing). Key quote for me:

How much future-oriented SF out there (as opposed to, say, alternate history) includes religion as a part of the daily lives of the characters? How much of it involves religion for the protagonists, instead of the aliens or Those People Over There? Some, but the prevailing idea seems to be that we'll have gotten over the religion thing by then.

I also like what she has to say about the magic vs. technology fallacy (have I mentioned I love the way she does magic in her novels? Oh yes, I have.). Although it doesn't get directly stated in my current WIP, one of the underlying rules of the world my novel is set in is that magic and science can achieve the same goals (for instance, time travel), they just work the problem in different ways. (The novel I wrote a few years back which is sitting quietly under my bed will potentially someday be reworked as book four or five in this series, if it ever goes series. I mention only because this is how I know the world setting of the WIP so well; I've been immersed in it for eight or so years now).

Well, I just had to share that. Back to work!

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