Monday, October 26, 2009

Devil's Tower (with pictures!)

On the day we were going to come back home we decided to head west to Wyoming first and see Devil's Tower. Which took quite a bit longer than I thought it would; we didn't get home until 1 in the morning. That was a long, long day. But the trail winds around the base of Devil's Tower was cool, and it was nice to get a good hike in before spending 12ish hours in a car.

This is from an overlook on the way to Devil's Tower (see it there, in the back?). Waiting for someone to click a picture while staring straight into the sun, but trying not to stare straight into the sun:

Climbing the rocks around Devil's Tower:

A nice overlook at the valley below. We could hear the cows bellowing. Quin and the boys:

Me and the boys:

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