Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Books in March

Only three books read in March, although when I get to book three you'll know why...

The Spiritual Doorway in the Brain by Kevin Nelson M.D. was an interesting look at what's actually happening from a neurology point of view when someone has a near-death experience, what causes the tunnel and the light and the feeling of oneness. Highly readable.

Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition by Daniel Okrent is about to be (or perhaps already is?) the source material for a Ken Burns documentary. I found this book interesting as well. I had some sense of prohibition and what it tied into (women's suffrage, income tax and that), but not in all the detail it's presented in here. The people mentioned come to life, and all the little details are wonderful.

And finally, what took most of the month to get through was The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft. I'd read most of the major works before, but this time I hit them all in chronological order, even the stuff he ghost-wrote for Harry Houdini. That's a lot of Lovecraft, my friend.

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