Monday, August 22, 2005

I don't usually do this, but...

The neatest thing happened last week. I've written about the sci-fi writer Tobias Buckell before (here). I mentioned I have his first novel on preorder from Amazon (although it won't be out until next February). I also read his blog; he always has cool links and just in general lots of advice for spec. fiction writers just starting out. He mentioned last week that he has a ton of refrigerator magnets with his book cover on them (with his web page, etc, because it's a marketing thing) and if you sent him your address, he'd send you a magnet.

See the pic below. I love that book cover.

Still, just sending my address seemed a little demanding and impersonal, so I sent a brief (4 sentence) note about how I found him. That was through his story in All-Star Zeppelin Adventures, although I had read "In Orbite Medievali" first. It wasn't until I found his blog that I realized he had written both.

That's technically too short to be a "fan letter" right? But the cool thing was he sent back an e-mail longer than mine, talking about the stories I had mentioned and about his novel coming up, and wishing me luck with my own writing. What a cool guy!

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