If you've never been to my house, you're probably wondering why I'm posting this picture (or saying to yourself "nice marker work on the walls there"). If you have been to my house, you're probably wondering where the microwave went to.
The previous owners built this little nook for their absolutely massive microwave (it's nearly bigger than our proper oven). It says "Kenmore" on the front, but I would swear it's a prototype. I am certain it predates at least three decades worth of radiation safety guidelines. We don't use it for much, as it takes four and a half minutes to heat up a cup of water (hence the electric kettle on the right there; I need boiling water for tea, not just marginally hot water).
Ah, but I should be using the past tense, as our microwave finally expired shortly after Christmas. Since we used it so little, this hasn't affected our lives much. I did price some microwaves, but in the end even the cheapest seemed a bit much to pay for the three or four times a year we have a hankering for popcorn. I'm sure I can work out how to cook it on the stove (the way the pioneers did). Or there's always Jiffy-Pop (which the boys might like better anway, 'cause it's fun).
So we are now microwave-less. And as you can see, I cannot resist the urge to fill any empty space with books. It's a little dark, but there are two layers of books in there, mostly homeschool stuff that was stowed away in a closet where I kept forgetting I had it. Plus some cookbooks (in case you thought we were studying PASTA).
Aidan was a little put out when I was moving the (extremely heavy) microwave out of the kitchen. "So we're going to be without a microwave for the rest of our years?!?" (He's eight).
So that leaves only the refrigerator and the drier as appliances that were in the house when we moved in here. And I have my eye on the fridge. I think the sands in its hourglass are just about up.
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