At any rate, part of the regrouping I was talking about was taking a week off to do nothing. Since we homeschool year-round, we alternate a week of vacation after every three weeks of school (with two weeks off twice a year). Usually these weeks off are busier than school weeks, especially when trips to Chicago are involved. So last week for vacation I determined we would do nothing at all. We would stay home and just hang out. Because lately the only time I spend with them is school time, and I'm in danger of being more teacher than Mom.
The boys had been bugging me for a while to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender with them. I've gotten to see an episode here or there, but they wanted me to watch all of season one. So that's what we did first. It really is a very good show; I would have absolutely adored it if it had been on when I was a kid. The "benders" are people who use magic based on the four elements: air, fire, water, and earth. The way they use this magic is by doing kung fu forms (different styles for each element; there's a special feature on the DVD where the master who does their choreography breaks down which is which, very cool if you're into martial arts). That would be enough to get me interested, but it also has some of my favorite features of TV shows: a running story line in which characters undergo permanent changes (watch as they learn skills, there's a definite arc in their abilities), characters that don't fit neatly into "good" and "evil" boxes, and strong female characters. The animation is top-notch too. (And the fact that season one ends with a big fight at the North Pole... well, you know I'm into that).
So that's what they shared with me. For my part, I picked movies from my childhood which they've never seen (although we've owned the DVDs for donkey years; they tend to pick the same things over and over again).

On second thought, it's possible that most of the pop culture references went over their heads. They've never even seen the Beverly Hillbillies.
I also tried Legend on them, but they didn't care for it much either. I love it, flying pollen and all, but it is a bit slow. They didn't hate it, but their response was definitely tepid.

I find it a bit ironic, the bookstore owner who gives the book to Bastien is very disdainful of videogames. I wonder what he'd think about games like Final Fantasy, which are really like novels you inhabit with story lines (and alternate story lines depending upon how you choose to respond to the other characters). We've come a long way since Space Invaders.

We did have a day where whatever we were watching wrapped up short of nap time, so we watched a little SpongeBob on TV. With commercials, which we almost never do (not with me in the room, anyway). We saw one for a talking baby doll which says, "I love you more than bunnies!"
"What did that baby say?" I ask.
"I love you more than bunnies," Adain says.
"What does that mean? Does it mean I love you more than I love bunnies, or does it mean I love you more than bunnies love you?"
"Mom, you're just weird."
(This has become our new good night ritual for Oliver and me. It used to be "Boba Fett fits in this spaceship right here", which came from a conversation like this:
"Good night, Oliver."
"Do you see this? This is Boba Fett's backpack. And this is his gun..."
"I'll see you in the morning."
"...and he can fly with his jetpack..."
"I love you."
"...and Boba Fett fits in this spaceship right here!"
So at the end of the night instead of "I love you" I'd say "Boba Fett fits in this spaceship right here!"since apparently it means the same thing, right? But Oliver has sworn he will always listen to what I'm saying and give appropriate responses if I would please, please stop saying that. So now I say, "Good night, Oliver. I love you more than bunnies". We can work it up to an hysterical pitch. "Don't trust the bunnies! Don't listen to them! They say they love you, but I love you more than bunnies!!!"
I wonder what that doll is trying to say. Maybe it's spy code.)
Back to watching SpongeBob. Since I'm incapable of watching TV without doing something productive at the same time, I was working on their Christmas sweaters. I was counting stitches (tends to absorb my attention) when Oliver suddenly shouts (clearly upset): "GIVE IT BACK TO THE WITCH!!!" It made me jump.
"Oliver! What are you talking about?"
"He's talking to the TV," Aidan says (with that big brother, I-always-have-to-put-up-with-this-behaviour air). I glance up at the TV. We're watching a Lucky Charms commercial.
"Dude? That's a leprechaun. Not a witch."
But that pretty much sums up why we own so many DVDs. Commercials are just too disturbing.
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