Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Have you ever read a review so harsh, you just had to see the movie? Part 2
Now I've just read Hal Duncan's take on the new Beowulf. Hal Duncan's very harsh take on Beowulf. How harsh? He invokes Hawk the Slayer. I was already planning to pick this one up the day it comes out on DVD, but now I'm really dying to see it. I'm not sure if in the end I'm going to be a fan, though. I mean, I liked The Thirteenth Warrior, which was the farthest thing from a loyal retelling of the story, but this one departs in some ways I don't think I'm going to like. Namely, the battle of all battles, Beowulf vs. Grendel's Mother, fought in her lair deep in the dark under water, with Beowulf beating her with her son's arm... apparently that's all gone, replaced by a sex scene. And here I thought Angelina Jolie in a no-holds-barred fight would be worth seeing. Angelina Jolie doing the sexy thing? Not so much.
And Hal Duncan brings up some interesting anatomical considerations. Follow the link and you'll see what I mean.
Friday, November 16, 2007
What, no basketball blog?

Monday, November 12, 2007
Ooh Ah!

Now, I knew I was going to like Saawariya, but I was somewhat surprised that Quin liked it too. I had spent all week dropping little warnings, about how it was all filmed on sets and was going to be highly stylized, like Moulin Rouge only more so, which I was pretty sure wasn't going to be his sort of thing. And it did in fact feel like a play performed on the world's largest set, a 3D set where the audience could follow the actors through all the little nooks and crannies. Saying a movie felt like a play is usually a criticism, implying that the movie was too static and claustrophobic; that's not the sense of being like a play I mean. It was more like every scene was visually composed like a painter would block out an image. The people in the background were standing "just so", if you see what I mean. And the colors really were fantastic. I've had the soundtrack for a while now, so it was cool to see just how they staged all those songs (and was pleased that Rani got to picturize my favorite).
The theater we saw it at was one of the last multiplexes built before they started building the stadium-seating super-multiplexes. It's kind of sad, it was only state of the art for about five minutes and then it lost all of its patronage to the huge new place built down the road. Perhaps I'm overly sentimental of this particular theater; it was the one Quin and I spent our "honeymoon" at. (We couldn't afford to go anywhere, and I was still on a probationary period as a new hire at work and could get no time off beyond the normal weekend, so we spent the day after our wedding watching back to back movies: A Life Less Ordinary, Seven Years in Tibet, and The Devil's Advocate). It's a dollar theater now, playing a bunch of films like Ratatouille that are already out on DVD but apparently someone still wants to pay for the old, scratched film experience.
They also have one screen set aside for Hindi movies, for which they charge full price. I had no idea, I thought this just happened to be a foreign film they were showing for prestige value or something. If the crowd there on Saturday night was any indication, this is probably where they make most of their dough. They even had made over part of the concession stand to sell samosas instead of popcorn (and if we'd known that, we would've saved room; they smelled so good).
We were also the only ones in the crowd who actually needed the subtitles. Which is a cool way to watch a foreign film, in a crowd for whom it's no so foreign. There is an upside to not waiting for the DVD. They'll be playing Aaja Nachle later this month, the new one with Madhuri Dixit in it. I've already been poking my husband. Babysitter again, yes? Since the babysitter in question enjoys building Lego sets and watching old episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender just as much as our boys do, it's really a win-win situation. Two movies in a month, that's positively decadent.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Brief update
At any rate: here's an Eddie Izzard bit about Star Wars, done with Legos. So you know it's going to be funny:
Monday, November 05, 2007
I'm going on a date this weekend!
This one only happened because I'm still in owes for our tenth anniversary, which we spent in Duluth with both of our boys, one of my husband's brothers and one of his sister's boys, looking at ships in the harbor and visiting train and WWII museums. This hadn't been the original plan, and the husband has been in the doghouse for quite some time for derailing the original vaguely romantic plan in order to bring me along on a boys' weekend away. I'm only into trains if someone is dancing on them; and in fact I didn't go into that museum. I waited outside and read my Jasper Fforde novel. It was a gorgeous day, and the wind blowing off Lake Superior was marvelously pleasant; I enjoyed that couple of hours at any rate. I did go into the Richard Bong WWII Heritage Center (and it looked like we were the only folks there who didn't actually remember the bombing of Pearl Harbor, but it was a Friday morning). There was a little display there of things Richard Bong had had as a kid: his slide rule and his Boy Scout manual. It was very Heinleinesque, and I totally want a slide rule.
But I'm owed something resembling a romantic evening with just the two of us, so I'm making my husband go see a Hindi movie with me, Saawariya. It's the latest from one of my favorite filmmakers, Sanjay Leela Bhansali. It looks particularly Moulin Rouge-esque, with fantastic sets and twirling skirts and ooh! the colors! (For those of you who have strayed too near my house and have been pulled inside and forced to watch dance numbers, Bhansali is the director that did "Dhol Baaje"). It will all be too melodramatic for my husband's tastes, surely (although he seemed to like Devdas, so who knows?), and he's been forewarned that Salman Khan makes an appearance. It'll be a long day with working 8 hours, going to a 3 hour movie, then working another 2-3 hours, but I'm certain it will all be worth it.
On the writing front, I have my work cut out for me. The horrible weekend of working jumped me so early on Friday I didn't get any writing done that day either (I usually get at least half my usual writing time on Fridays, but it was zero this time), and I spent my "extra hour" on Sunday not sleeping or writing but working. There's nothing like sitting at a computer typing as fast as you can for ten or more hours to really kill any desire to sit in front of another computer typing, even if it's stories you desperately want to get out of your head (so I watched Spider-Man 3 with my boys instead. Kind of a "meh" after Spider-Man 2, frankly, but watchable enough I suppose. The Sandman was cool.)
Well, I'm off to do the teacher thing, so that I can hopefully have the time this afternoon to pound out a few thousand words. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
October Book Report
On the reading front, I read four more Heinlein books, all collections of short stories and novellas. Namely, it was Waldo & Magic, Inc., Green Hills of Earth, Orphans of the Sky, and Assignment in Eternity. I particularly liked "Gulf" from the last of those, about a spy who is actually the next step on the evolutionary ladder. Heinlein touched on a lot of interesting ideas with language on that one (in a nutshell, the supermen speak a super language). I'll probably go back and revisit that one later. That would be my greatest writing frustration: that I can't work out how to show my ideas, about how the language you speak structures your thinking. I've played with it a bit, but I've had no real luck. In this respect movies and TV beat novels. I've been watching season one of Heroes and have really enjoyed the fact that the two Japanese characters speak Japanese with each other (and wonder why everyone in India speaks English...). I love hearing the sounds and rhythms of other languages, and getting a feel for the concepts that just don't translate. Hard to convey that in prose, though.
In the non-Heinlein front, I read Empire of Ivory, the fourth Tremeraire book by Naomi Novik. Plotwise it was slower than the first three, but ideawise it was excellent. The themes that have been slipping in and out of the background are moving to the foreground now, and I'm looking forward to book five (I suspect it will be the last, but I'm not sure).
I also read Thursday Next: First Among Sequels by Jasper Fforde. I love Fforde. In writing circles one of the most frequent (and by extension most tiresome) arguments is the question of literary versus genre (and what defines each). I don't think readers care as much as writers do about such questions; nearly everyone I know who reads, reads both. Jasper Fforde is very funny and writes one of the best female lead characters around, but what I like most about him is his palpable love of books: all books. If you love books all stripes, you really should be reading Jasper Fforde.
The last book I picked up was Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy by Ally Carter. This is the sequel to I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have to Kill You and is about a prep school for girls which secretly trains them to be spies. I've loved them both; it's cool to read books about teen-age girls who can do college level physics and math, speak twelve languages, and hack into computers but still deal with the horror that is strapless formal wear. As much as I love a teen-age witch, it's nice to see another path to empowerment explored. If you liked Veronica Mars, you'll like Ally Carter, I'm betting.
OK, I'm off to finish off a few last chores before I start the big writing crunch tomorrow. It would be nice to hit the ground running. I'm not sure yet whether I'll skip blogging, post word count updates, or use blogging as a mental break from the WIP and talk about other stuff; we'll see what the future brings.
Monday, October 15, 2007
So I'm starting the new thing...
So now I know I'm writing a story about Omesh, Takashi and Rabia, and I have enough of the outline roughed out to finally plunge into Chapter One (as much as I may seem to be a rigid outliner, the fact is that the outline is as much a work in progress as the prose itself, and I play with those index cards a lot as I go. That's why they're on index cards and not, say, stone tablets).
I don't really have a title yet, but I don't like calling things "Untitled" or "Untitled #87" or some such, so for now I'm referring to it as Mitwa. That's from a song in the movie Lagaan, which was the movie I was watching when the crucial thematic elements of the WIP finally fell into place and I realized just what it was I was going to write, what I was going to try to say. (Not that my WIP is suddenly about beating the British cantonment at a cricket match to get out of playing brutal taxes, but then I've mentioned before how far afield my mind wanders when I'm watching stuff...)
If you want to hear it, it is on YouTube (and happily it's the rare Hindi clip I've found there with subtitles).
(If you're curious to check out a Hindi movie and not sure where to start, Lagaan is perfect. I also highly recommend Rang de Basanti (both of these star Aamir Khan) and Lage Raho Munnabhai (with Sanjay Dutt), which is the funniest movie I've ever seen about Ghandhi. I suppose it depends on where you live, but here in Minneapolis you can check all these out on DVD from the public library for free.)
But I digress. Back to Mitwa and the WIP. I particularly latched onto the part of the song that goes:
O mitwa, sun mitwa, tujhko kya darr hai re
Yeh dharti apni hai, apna ambar hai re
Which means "Listen, O my friend, what's this fear you have? This earth is ours and so is the sky." Since my story is of a boy who leaves his farm in Gujarati to go live in a space station, you can probably see why that line stuck out for me. Hence the working title. Which is not the same as a character name for me, this I can change an infinite number of times without caring much. At the very least, I'll probably end up going with something in English. But for now it's Mitwa.
So we can start the meter today:
Because it always starts with zero...
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
September book report
The Puppetmasters
Between Planets
Farmer in the Sky
Starman Jones
The Star Beast
Tunnel in the Sky
Time for the Stars
The Door into Summer
The Man Who Sold the Moon
I'm finding he gets better as you go, which is hardly surprising I suppose. Rather than try to come up with something to say for each (kind of time crunching at the moment; things to do, things to do), here are a few random observations:
- Mary in The Puppet Masters can tell instantly which men are possessed by aliens because they don't respond to her sexually. Now that's confidence! I can't imagine what it must be like to be so hot that every man either instantly wants you, or he's possessed by an alien.
- Farmer in the Sky is a book about farming on Ganymede. That is its entire plot. Imagine my surprise to find it such a page turner.
- I loved Pete the cat in The Door into Summer. Heinlein always writes really cool cats, but this one is my fave. He has more depth than a lot of human characters.
- I had a LOL moment reading The Tunnel in the Sky. I tackled that one while my husband was out of town, and I freely admit I had Lord of the Flies on the brain; i.e. I was subconsciously expecting an all-boy story. So when Jack said to Rod, "Yeah, you apologized, but I've got some mad I haven't used up yet." I thought to myself Geez, Jack sounds just like a Heinlein girl. Yep, sometimes I'm pretty clueless. So when Jack turned out to be Jacqueline I did in fact laugh out loud. But I loved Caroline in that novel, who always had Rod's back but was not remotely romantically interested in him (thank you!), and the ending when Rod the mayor had to go back to just being an adolescent was brilliant.
I got to arguing about women in fiction with my husband on a slightly different front recently as well. Since Lego is coming out with new sets for the Indiana Jones movies in 2008, my boys are now acutely interested in movies I could never persuade them to watch before, so over three nights we watched the whole trilogy.
Quin likes The Last Crusade the best of the three, largely on account of the tank sequence, but also on account of how they say goodbye in Austria. Heathen that I am, The Temple of Doom has always been my favorite. It starts in China then goes to India so you've already got my interest there, and where the first movie showed the Judeochristian god using some real power, this one showed the power of Kali Ma and Shiva. I've never gotten over my bitterness that with a world of cool cultures to hunt artifacts from, they went back to the Judeochristian mold for the third one (and in my opinion the third movie mined too heavily from the first in a lot of ways). Now The Temple of Doom has real flaws, mostly in that I don't think any writer involved knew the first thing about Kali Ma, the thugees, Shiva or India, frankly, but when I first saw it (I think I was 10?) I didn't either.
But then there's Willie Scott. Quin is baffled why I don't hate her. My argument is this: while I would rather they hadn't gone the Bond route of plugging in a new chick for every movie, I'm glad they decided not to keep bringing on new incarnations of the Marion character, so that every woman is basically interchangeable (can you tell the bond girls apart? Well, I liked Halle Berry but other than that they all tend to blur together in my head). Marion was ballsy and completely comfortable in Indy's environment (one presumes she grew up in that environment, as her father was Indy's mentor in the world of "archaeology"). Having Indy hook up with another woman who is almost the same would just make it more glaring that Marion wasn't there. I liked that they went the total other way: let's hook him up with a chick who is not even remotely comfortable in his environment.
Yes, she does scream a lot. If I had bugs crawling in my hair you can bet I'd be screaming too. And you'd be hard pressed to get me out on that suspension bridge even before he decided to cut it in half.
My main gripe is the idea that the only woman worth having around is the one that acts pretty much like a man. This might sound odd coming from someone who was never a girly-girl, but not being a girly-girl doesn't mean I don't understand that they are just as much being themselves as I am as being a tomboy-girl. In the world of action films I might fall more into the Trinity in The Matrix end of the spectrum, dressing and acting pretty much like the guys around me, but I appreciate that there is room for girly-girls like Charlie's Angels to kick butt too, even if they do it in heels and frilly clothes.
OK, I've been at this "short" post for three hours now (around distractions). One last aside: the night we watched The Temple of Doom with the boys Quin and I also watched the Salman Khan movie Chori Chori Chupke Chupke (which he only watched because it had Rani Mukerji in it and he likes her, but he was clearly torn whether he liked her enough to take her with Salman Khan on the side). Fairly early on Quin says, "Hey, look at Grandpa! That's Mola Ram!" And indeed it was the same actor. Which added a creep factor to the movie, the underlying sense that Grandpa could stick his hand into your chest at any moment and pulling out your still-beating heart. There's a down side to not knowing what kind of movie you're going to see ahead of time. I've quit reading the backs of the boxes when it became clear that they gave away all of the plot details down to who lives and who dies in the dramas, but it usually takes a bit of time to gauge whether I'm watching a happily ever after (which this one was) or a movie where Salman Khan is going to get the back of his head bashed in with a lead pipe (I swear I saw it actually squish, but that sort of effect must be cost-prohibitive; I'm sure it was just my overactive imagination. Still, a horrid ending to a movie, having your "hero" bash Salman Khan's skull in and then run off to be reunited with his love. Hello?!?) Once I realized I was watching the Bollywood version of Pretty Woman I could relax and enjoy the Hollywood echo (although huge parts of the plot didn't come from Pretty Woman, so it wasn't too familiar). And it turns out I've seen that actor Amrish Puri in a bunch of stuff and didn't recognize him without a red streak painted on his skull.
OK, the UPS man just delivered my copy of Naomi Novik's The Empire of Ivory, so if you'll excuse me I'm going to go read that right now...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The backyard
Here's a shot of where the Bobcat tracks were last year. Can't even tell now, can you? The dirt pile is left over from the gardens. The plan is to cover it with rock and plant a few herbs to grow between the rock, but that won't be happening until next spring:
This doesn't look like much now that I pulled all the wildflowers out. It doesn't usually look so much like plain dirt, honest! The morning glories made it all the way to the top of the trellis for the first time this year. The Boston ivy has only just started climbing up after our excessively dry summer:
This part has had the least work done so far (the rock the patio crew threw down for Bobcat traction is still there). A few plants have been put in, but the plan is for more ferns and shade plants to leave nothing but a little trail:
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
It's like a roasted bell pepper tart
All of which is just to say that I'm calling this novel "done" in the hopes that it's going to set up now, or something. I foresee some rewriting when I hear back from my critique group, but hopefully nothing too extensive. I'm considering it done enough to print the whole thing out for my husband to read, and I promised when I started this thing he'd only have to read it once; that's probably the best indication of my sense of doneness.
So I have one short story to do a little tinkering on, another that is niggling to be written, and then it's on to the next WIP, which I'll lovingly refer to as "Untitled", the YA sci-fi that's been burning in my brain for months now.
Monday, September 24, 2007
I'm still working on stuff...
I've never put all of my research books together, but between general Greenland research, books on the Inuit, books on the Troth, books on Chinese magic, and books on Mars it's got to be over 50. Some of those were from the library, though, so I guess I physically can't stack them up now.
I only mention because Marie Brennan photographed the books she used for Midnight Never Come, which I can't wait to read. Plus, she actually went to London. (Have you read Marie Brennan? You really should).
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I'm very busy writing stuff...
Monday, September 17, 2007
Sale #3!
I still haven't really been sleeping, which makes me mood-swingy (can you tell?). I'm hopeful that after driving in for a meeting tonight I won't have to work again until Saturday (although I fully expect that day to suck, if this past weekend is any indication). I worked way too long yesterday and then stayed up later than I should have watching the last half of Avatar Season 2 now that we have the DVD. "One more episode and I'll go to bed... OK, one more episode and then I'll go to bed..." Which is sad, as I've seen them all before.
I am excited for the live action movies to come out. I mean, I was excited as soon as I heard M. Night Shyamalan was going to direct them, as I've loved everything he's done, even Lady in the Water. But they had a little interview with him as a bonus feature and when the two creators of the TV show asked him why he wanted to make Avatar when all of his previous movies have been his own stories, his answer without hesitation was "the martial arts". Yes!
Friday, September 14, 2007
What's so magical about 4 a.m.?
No, I don't do sleep deprivation well at all. I did take next week off of work to try to get myself straightened out. Sort of. It's terribly inconvenient to people in two countries when I'm not there working, and the best I could do was an agreement that they would put me down as off but if they need me they'll call and I'll get on and work. There's a pretty big downside to being as fast as two normal people; it's impossible to get away guilt-free ever.
I had entertained the notion of getting some writing done if I did manage a work-free night or two, but at this point I'd settle for catching up on sleep. I do have plans for at least one night, though. As Aidan gleefully informed me, Avatar season 3 starts on Tuesday, and now that I won't be working next week I can watch it with them rather than recording the episode and catching up on it later. Wu ha! They just better not call me until 7:30 on Tuesday. Say it with me "I'm sorry; my husband must have been on the other line and didn't click over. I only just got your message." What? I need the break! Plus, it's Avatar season 3.
Friday, September 07, 2007
My August Book Report

The rest of what I read this month was all Heinlein, as I mentioned. I've read a few of his later novels, but never the YA I've been told again and again I simply must read. Being anal, I always read in chronological order (one of the many handy uses for Wikipedia, it has such nice and complete lists).
The first two I read, Beyond This Horizon and For Us, The Living were both written in the 40s but not published until much later. BTH had some interesting ideas, but it seemed to start out being one story and ending as something else and it didn't really hang together. FUTL is not really a story at all, more a collection of Heinlein's ideas told in an almost Socratic way through dialogue. It sounds dry; I actually found it dead interesting. Everything that is quintessentially Heinlein is touched on in this book; it's amazing that he wrote it before all the others. It's probably not the Heinlein you'd want to start with, but I would recommend it to anyone who's read more than a few of his other novels. I would especially recommend it to writers who write primarily to put forth ideas. It makes an excellent study tool; observe how Heinlein already knew what he wanted to say, but set it aside to master straight-up storytelling first and then started slipping the ideas back in. I'm pretty sure that's why he was a Grandmaster.The next two I didn't like as well: Rocketship Galileo and Space Cadet. The two shortest of his books, but they took me the longest to get through. After I finished RG I admitted to Quin that the little science lectures sprinkled throughout I mostly skimmed over, but Nazis on the moon were cool. Which was pretty much exactly the opposite of how he feels about that book (and I'm probably lucky he didn't throw something at me for being such a heathen). SC reminded me a lot of Old Man's War. I realize I have that exactly backwards, that Scalzi was modeling after Heinlein, but honestly I liked Scalzi better. (Perhaps because there were also women involved in his military.)
The last two I tackled in August I really liked, or my marathon would have come to a grinding halt (I'm not a masochist, after all; I prefer to read books I like). Red Planet I liked well enough to make a little space in Aidan's history book reading schedule for him to read it next. I may have a difference of opinion with Heinlein on the "we should all be naked" thing, but I'm right there with on the libertarian front, and this is a very libertarian book. Plus I loved Willis, who even though she has laid a nest of eggs still insists that "Willis is a good boy". (Of course the actual women in the novel contribute to the effort by making sandwiches and coffee. A boy becomes a man when he takes up a gun to defend his own, but a girl is a woman when she cooks.)
The last one I finished in August was The Sixth Column, which I also liked. I see little hints of Stranger in a Strange Land in it, with the way he portrays religion. (And here women contribute to the war effort by doing clerical work.) (And if you think I'm harping on the woman thing here, be glad you're not my husband. Actually, most of what he's had to endure has been on behalf of The Puppetmasters, but as I didn't finish that one until September you'll have to wait a month for me to lay into that one).
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Didn't get a thing done last week
I did finally get to watch the end of Salaam-e-Ishq (I mentioned watching the first half before). It's more of an inspired by Love Actually movie than a remake, which is cool. I've mentioned before how much I love reading the entries in Backspace contests (back in the day, when I had the time; I wish I still did). Seeing how different writers approach the same subject matter is one of my favorite things. There are a few corollaries between the two films but mostly they are very different stories. I mentioned before Salman Khan was in this, and I did enjoy his story line, but it was Govinda who ran away with the movie for me. He plays a taxi driver who speaks very little English who is helping a Canadian woman who speaks very little Hindi find her boyfriend before he gets married to an Indian girl. Now anyone who's read my fiction knows my fascination with how people communicate when they don't share a language, and in fact the Colin Firth story line was my favorite in Love Actually. But while Colin Firth and the Portuguese girl didn't understand each other at all, Govinda and Stephanie speak just enough of each other's language to almost, but not quite, have a conversation. Which for my money is much funnier.
My only gripe with the movie was that Govinda barely dances in it. Watching Govinda dance is like watching Steve Nash play basketball. He makes it look so effortless and fun, he always puts a grin on my face (even in the midst of a crappy, crappy week). He gets a few moments in the title song:
Quin had taken Friday off to give himself a four-day weekend, so we had an extra movie-watching time slot. We filled it with Don: The Chase Begins Again, which is completely Salman-free. It was really cool, sort of a James Bond/Mission Impossible feel to it. I've often said to Quin that watching ShahRukh Khan movies I sense the guy really wants to be making kung fu films, and this is a step in that direction. Although it gets a bit bloody for my taste in a few places, that gets counterbalanced by the singing and dancing, which never comes up in Bond films (plus, good songs). By a weird coincidence, both of these films also starred Priyanka Chopra. She was Salman's love interest in Salaam-e-Ishq and ShahRukh's in Don. Quin, still not a Salman fan, insists she's much better opposite ShahRukh. I liked her in both, but in Salaam-e-Ishq Salman not only sings and dances with her, he turns up on horseback and brings a marching band with him. It's rather hard to top that.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
As it turns out, there are people who spend more time on YouTube than me...
Monday, August 27, 2007
This and that
I just saw a call for submissions for an anthology I simply must be in: Paper Blossoms, Sharpened Steel. Stories from Japan, China, and Korea? Sweet! I've already written two Japanese short stories: one is still with WOTF and the other is awaiting the final word from Black Gate (wish me luck, all; I'd absolutely kill to be in Black Gate) (metaphorically, of course). I've been waiting for the perfect story idea to make it a triptych; this might be a nice opportunity to get to work on that. But there is also a little voice in the back of my head that points out that I've written stories set in Japan and stories set in China, but I've never written a story set in Korea. Of course I don't know much about Korea really; I'd have to submerse myself in Korean things to get a feel for it, and I'm still soaking in India at the moment. Well, I have until mid December to work out what I'm going to do, but I will be submitting something.
This week is vacation week from homeschooling, and I plan to spend it revising a certain short story with airships in it and trying another pass at the middle chapters of Tao of Troth. The beginning and end of that book I'm pretty much happy with, but the middle is seriously pissing me off.
I'm getting anxious to call it done and move on, though. After a month of Indian immersion the up-until-this-point-disparate elements of the story I'm planning to write next are starting to link up in really pleasing ways. It's gotten to the point where I'm ready to start committing words to paper (or Word document, I guess, since I gave up the notebooks). Did I mention that was what the Bollywood was all about? Novel research? You'll probably never be able to tell from reading the finished product, but there it is. It's always weird how that works. I had story problems solve themselves in my head while watching Veronica Mars, even though my solution did not in any way resemble what was going on in VM. I just play "what if?" in my head while watching movies and TV, changing the plot and characters in my head to how I would have written them differently. Not necessarily trying to improve things, just messing about and experimenting in my head, although on occasion I've gone back to watch something again and caught myself expecting a scene that never took place because it was one I was making up when I was watching it. Movies that almost work are my favorite for doing this to. By the fifth or sixth extension out of "what if... but then what if..." I suddenly realize I'm not really rewriting the show I'm watching anymore, I'm fixing that problem that's been stumping me in the WIP. And it always takes me by surprise, which is a bit silly, I suppose.
One last little thing, here's a cool quiz to find out what book you are. I'm not terribly surprised to find out what I am:
You're Ulysses!
by James Joyce
Most people are convinced that you don't make any sense, but compared to what else you could say, what you're saying now makes tons of sense. What people do understand about you is your vulgarity, which has convinced people that you are at once brilliant and repugnant. Meanwhile you are content to wander around aimlessly, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. What you see is vast, almost limitless, and brings you additional fame. When no one is looking, you dream of being a Greek folk hero.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Typical Homeschooling Day
8:30 a.m.: Aidan, the pathological clockwatcher, wakes me up, then wakes his brother up and the two of them get their own breakfast. I wonder out to the computer and read blogs, consume something caffeinated, and don't officially wake up until about 9 a.m. (Not because I'm lazy, I should point out; I work til midnight and take at least an hour to wind down after that before I can sleep. I need 8 1/2 hours of sleep to function properly, which I'm hoping I'll be able to get again in about ten years...)
9:00 a.m.: Mom's awake; time for the fifth grade class to get going. (Grade level is pretty meaningless when you're homeschooling. "Fifth grade" here only means we're following that level of curriculum in Well-Trained Mind, so he's doing biology for science all year, and he's starting logic. He's not quite ten so he's considered a fourth grader this year on the forms we send to the public school. He's doing Saxon 6/5 this year, which is for normal 6th graders or fast 5th graders, but in other subject areas like spelling he's doing fourth grade work. I would guess it averages out to fifth grade, but again pretty meaningless.) Aidan gets a sheet with all assignments to be done during the week every Monday morning, and he has until 6 p.m. Friday to get it all done. He picks what order he does things in and how much he does each day. We had a few very stressful Fridays at first, but he's worked out how to pace himself now, mostly. Logic stage history has a lot more reading than he's used to, he's constantly reading one novel or another about King Arthur, Robin Hood, or some other Middle Ages story.
10:00 a.m.: Time for the first graders to get started (again, the grade is a bit meaningless; Oliver is 6 so for reporting on public school forms he's still a kindergardener, but he's already halfway through first grade math). First graders and fifth graders don't mix well; if you try to put them in the same room they'll kick each other under the table. Worse, the first grader is the class clown and lives to distract the fifth grader from his work. Life has been much easier since the first grade relocated to the little table in the living room. Today, he's brought a stuffed octopus in a plastic tote to class. He says her name is "Octopussy". Not that he's seen any James Bond yet, apparently he came up with that on his own. He senses there is something about that word, though; you can tell, as he keeps watching for a reaction everytime he says it. Keep your game face on.
Aidan is studying the middle ages for history (we fell off the WTM schedule fairly early on so he never made a complete circuit of history for the grammar stage. On the plus side, he knows ancient history pretty well). For science they are both doing biology, and specifically studying animals at the moment. We have a tank with eight African lion frog tadpoles swimming in it. (The kit from Insect Lore insists that most or all of these will die before they make it to frogs, but we've yet to lose one. It would be just my luck to end up with eight full-grown frogs that have to stay in captivity since African frogs don't belong in Minnesota.) He also does math, writing, spelling, logic, and Latin. He's already looking forward to finishing Latin, as he gets to pick which language he learns next and he has his heart set on Hindi (I wonder why?). He's only halfway through the first of two levels of Latin, so he has plenty of time to change his mind a million times on what he does next (hopefully to something Mom already knows a little of, although with Hindi at least we know a native speaker he can chat with).
Oliver does math, writing, science (also animals; he already watched his caterpillars turn into butterflies and released them in our garden), and history (ancient history for him). He reads at night with his dad rather than with me, which gives me a little more time with Aidan during the day. We've been studying Egypt for a while now, as Oliver is mad for Egypt. He has a death fixation (Quin has taken to referring to him as "Tim Burton" lately because of his decidedly morbid leanings) and is also taken with the idea of having lots of different gods, so it's just his sort of thing.
10:00-12:00: I hope you didn't think you were going to sit down. Give the first grader his math drill sheet so he can practice addition, then go see how the fifth graders are doing. The fifth graders are out of their seats again, watching the tadpoles eat. Shoo them back into their chairs and get them going on something from their assignment sheet. Go back to the first grade room. Octopussy was getting stuffy in the tote, so she's now wrapped around his neck. Unfortunately he's having a tough time seeing the math sheet with the octopus in the way. Get that sorted out and head back to the kitchen in time to stop the fifth grader from shutting all the windows because he's cold. The fact that he's only dressed in underpants didn't occur to him as possibly being the source of this problem. Send him downstairs to get dressed.
Dhol Baaje just come up on the Party Shuffle. Everyone get up and leap and spin around the house! (Um, recess?) While it's generally understood that the Party Shuffle randomly plays songs (and it runs all day most days; we like music to think by), what's not commonly known is that the teacher can tell it to play something specific next. Don't spoil the secret! (What we do for "recess" changes a lot. Sometimes it's going outside and running around the house, sometimes it's running up and down the stairs. Mostly it's an excuse to get out of chairs and move around, which I think is particularly important for boys, and especially particularly important for my boys. Aidan is calm now, but when he was 4-6 I got asked a lot by "well meaning" types if he was ADD. Nope, just a normal boy with lots of energy). Sometimes, to everyone's surprise, Dhol Baaje comes up twice or three times because it's just that kind of day.
12:00: Time to make lunch while giving the fifth graders their spelling test and checking their memory work (he knows all the kings of England, all the US presidents, and all the dynasties of China plus a bunch of poems. We're working on the time periods of Japan now). Consider once again putting your school on bag lunch, but then you remember you'd still be the one packing the lunch. (I love teaching school; I hate making lunch).
12:30-2:00 p.m.: The first graders have wrapped up their work (although they're still carrying Octopussy around in that plastic tote, and she keeps farting through the plastic in the direction of the fifth graders. Have the first graders sit down and watch Crocodile Hunter. We're going to call that a science supplement, OK?).
2:00 p.m.: Technically the school day is done. This is "nap time" when everyone goes to separate rooms and does their own thing. This is supposed to be your writing time, but you haven't gotten on the treadmill yet, Aidan has left you a stack of reports to proofread, and the house is a mess. Don't be surprised if it takes you until 4 p.m. to get this all sorted out.
4:00 p.m.: Nap time is done, time for doing math homework, correcting the math homework, starting dinner, and checking work e-mail before everyone in the office goes home for the day.
4:30 p.m.: The boys sit down and watch their favorite show, Arthur, and fantasize about what public school is like (no lie; they are completely fascinated by this show. It's like anthropology for them).
5:00 p.m.: Get Aidan settled in with the computer and Teach Me Piano. A human teacher would be nice, but expensive, and just when are you going to take him to lessons? Luckily he likes the program and it doesn't take any time from you. Although the first graders and Octopussy are still lingering in the living room looking for trouble. You can usually lure them into the kitchen if the music is good, although his interest in food preparation waxes and wanes.
5:30-6:00 p.m.: Dinner with the family. This is also the only 30 minute time in the day you spend with your husband, and you'll be lucky to get a word in edgewise. This is the downside to homeschooling and working both. He'll sneak down to your office later to steel your gum out of your drawer, no worries.
6:00 p.m. to god knows when: Slaving for the man. Although you like your job; there is always a cool new word you have to hit the books to check the spelling of, and even the old words are just fun to say. Crista galli. Diastometamyelia. Astrocytoma.
Now you can probably see why I prefer books that lend themselves to being read in 5 or 10 minute chunks, held in one hand while you stir something or unload the dishwasher. Still, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love spending every day with my boys.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Watch me try to tie this into Heinlein
My husband will say he is more in line with Heinlein's thinking than I am, but between you and me he really isn't. He did admit when I first read the book and came back to talk to him about it that on his first time through when he was a teenager, when he reached the scene with Michael and Jill and the circus performer he actually threw the book away. He didn't read it all the way through until he had left home (and more thoroughly discarded his fundamentalist upbringing). But it is his favorite book of all-time, and his cat is named Valentine for Valentine Michael Smith.
But he's not as "evolved" as these Heinlein characters. Now, it's entirely possible I've been having a bit too much fun at his expense of late. He caught me watching the movie No Entry while in my office the other day. I wasn't really watching it, it was on in the background for noise, but I saw his jaw drop in mid sentence and glanced over at the screen. It was this scene, with Salman Khan comes up out of the water, shirtless natch. Now, for my money he's much hotter when he gets out of the car at the hotel, wearing a shirt and a jacket, but Quin was so appalled I just had to rib him a little.
"I know, it's like looking directly into the sun, isn't it?" I said.
"That's so not what I was thinking. Good god, those are tiny shorts," he said. You should've seen his face.
So that night we sat down to watch Salaam-e-Ishq, which I was supposed to wait to watch with him because it has Govinda in it. It's an ensemble modeled after Love Actually (only it's nearly four hours long). We were about 30 minutes into it before Salman Khan turned up, and Quin actually pegged me in the head with a papertowel.
"You didn't tell me he was in this!"
"Yes, I did! Look, he's on the box and everything."
Then the DVD glitched halfway through (ironically enough just when Salman had taken his shirt off) and I have to wait for my replacement copy to get here before I can see how it all ends. Now we're watching Baadshah instead, a Shah Rukh Khan movie. He's fun too. He reminds Quin of Jerry Lewis from the old Martin and Lewis days. I get more of a Michael Jackson feel from him, but maybe that's just because he likes to sing and dance while he's chasing women down the street.
So you'd think that would be the end of it, but no. I woke up this morning and my desktop had been changed from this:

I haven't said a word. I did sneak over to his side of the computer and change his picture of airplanes to this:
Only because I couldn't find one where she was showing off her butt. I was looking to change mine anyway. I like darker colors on a desktop. This shouldn't offend, I don't think:
Monday, August 13, 2007
Writing colorblind
Yeah, I don't write colorblind at all. Quite the opposite. There are a couple of reasons for that. I have very clear ideas in my head what all my characters look like, for one. In order to write characters with no tip-offs as to their race, you'd have to leave out any mention of their appearance, wouldn't you? I couldn't do it.
But mostly it's because the culture my characters come from is so integral to who they are I couldn't possibly leave it out or try to be oblique and let the reader guess what background I'm referring to.
I think this is one of the ways that fantasy is different from science fiction. To have people in separate cultural groups in a fantasy novel is the default setting. But science fiction looks to the future, and the majority opinion seems to be that in the future we'll all be mixed. No one will be Asian, European, or African anymore; we'll all be sort of tan and not really have any cultural identifiers at all. We'll all eat the same food, wear the same clothes, and of course no one observes any religion.
I find that vision of the future really dull, frankly. Give me Tobias Buckell's Caribbeans, or Ian McDonald's India of the near future.
This is going to have to be a half-formed thought for now, as school beckons. I'll just close by saying one of the things I find really cool about YouTube is watching how other places around the world reflect American culture back at us. Take, for instance, hip-hop and in particular the "pimp walk". When you take it to Taiwan:
Or to India:
What you get back does not look to me like a melting together into one meta-culture. It's an exchange of ideas where what you get back is a thoroughly Chinese take on it, or a thoroughly Indian one. Cool.
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Friday, August 03, 2007
"The End" but not really
I was watching another one of those Bollywood movies last night (yes, we call this obsession; this is the way I do everything), where Salman Khan plays a half-Italian who goes to India to learn singing from a master. After the teacher accepts him as his student, he tells him the difference between a false singer and a true singer. A hungry singer is a false singer, because he sings from his stomach; a true singer always sings from his heart.
Which is a much more poetic way of saying what I was trying to say earlier this week about my writing.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
My July Book Report
I didn't get much read this past month, and what I did read were all new arrivals, so nothing came off my To Be Read stack. At least what I did read was all cool.
Of course I started off by rereading the first six Harry Potters. Two of them fell apart on this go-round; the spines split and the pages now come in a few discrete chunks. (They still look better than my first copy of An Elegant Universe, which is held together by a rubber band, but I have to keep it because that's the copy with all my notes in it. Yes, I'm the evil kind of person who writes in books). But I finished off the rereading a few days before Book 7 was due so I plunged into Lois McMaster Bujold's Legacy, which is the second half of The Sharing Knife two part series. I liked it better than Beguilement, the first half; she took her world-building to some interesting places. She is trying to do something different here than with her Vorkosigan books or even her other fantasies, so you can't really compare them, but even so I felt like these were just slighter stories than what she usually does. A pleasant way to spend an afternoon or two, but I didn't get that buzz in my brain reading Bujold usually gives me.
I was still only two-thirds of the way through with Legacy when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows turned up (I had ordered it from; I don't know why. I had the day off work just to read it, I certainly could have started the day with a trip to the grocery store to pick up a copy. Force of habit, I guess). It took almost exactly 12 hours to read it. On the one hand, she did lots of things I liked (not the least of which was not killing off Harry), but mostly I prefer that other version of Book 7. You know, the one I was writing in my head since I finished Book 6. My version took place at Hogwarts, went deeper into the history of the place, and had a lot more of Snape, Neville, and Ginny. I think when all is said and done, I'd rank Deathly Hallows after Order of the Phoenix for sure, that one's still my fave. It might be second or third after The Half-Blood Prince. I don't know; I'll let you know in a year when I've read it for the third time.
The next book I read this month was another one I plowed through in a day, The Basic Eight by Daniel Handler, otherwise known as Lemony Snicket. I had no idea he had written other novels under his own name until Andrew Wheeler mentioned this one on his blog (and if you're like me and are on the look out for new things to read, his blog is the bomb. I could never read that many books, but Wheeler's tastes are a lot like mine (SF and fantasy but also mainstream and literary novels and even comics) and I've found him a pretty good guide to what's cool). You know, I have lots of writers I admire for one thing or another; Handler is one of the very few that makes me outright jealous. I wish I were half so clever with the word play. This book isn't for kids; it's about some kids in their last year of high school. It has elements of Heathers and Fight Club in it, but mostly it's Handler and well worth a look.
The only other book I read is actually a 3-in-1 of Justine Larbalestier's Magic or Madness books called The Magic of Reason. If there is one thing that bugs me about Harry Potter, it's that the magic has no rules or cost. If it's convenient to the plot, anything can happen because she doesn't really have a magical system she has to fit it into ("The wand chooses the wizard" might be considered a rule, but it's so lightly used it's really inconsequential. The fact that it becomes a major hinge point for the plot of book 7 is another reason why I prefered the one in my head. I don't get this business with the wand). At any rate, Larbalestier's books are the opposite of that. Her magical system is very clearly thought out, and it rocks. Different characters have different ways of perceiving magic (the MC Reason sees it as math, most of which went over my head in the most delightful way. I love a writer who doesn't feel she has to talk down to me just because I never made it farther than pre-calc). Even cooler than the clearly defined way magic works is the cost: the characters give up years of their life every time they use magic, but if they don't use magic at all they will go insane. So these 15-year-olds are constantly weighing the costs of any action they take: will they take a step closer to dying before they're even 20, or a step closer to madness? And just to show how suggestible I am by other people's use of language, when I was writing the other day one of my characters was in zero G and chundered. Delete, delete, delete; my characters are Greenlanders, not Aussies; they don't chunder. (The book actually has an index for all the Aussie-speak used).
Well, that's a brief wrap-up, but I'm hoping to get another 2000 words in today before I have to go to that picnic thing. I'm off!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I wrote 3700 words yesterday...
You know, George Lucas has talked about watching Akira Kurosawa films before making Star Wars, and how he loved all the little rituals and things that a Japanese viewer wouldn't need explained, but as an American you don't know what it means but it surely means something. He was going for that effect in his first three films, that sense that this or that gesture meant something specific but didn't feel like he needed to explain it all. (Two problems with the second trilogy: he lost the sense of fun and he started explaining stuff instead of going for that sense of it all being foreign and cool. Mitichlorians, anyone?).
I only mention this because Salman Khan is in a Hollywood movie about Bollywood movies coming out next Friday called Marigold, and while I'll surely go see it, it looks from the preview that they missed that crucial fun element. It looks like it's going to be all explainy about what makes Bollywood great instead of just being a great Bollywood movie. (Like Moulin Rouge, which was essentially an English language Bollywood movie, and tons of fun. Baz Luhrman, where did you go?) Plus the MC seems like she really belongs in the movie Braatz. Personally, I'd rather see the new one he's doing with Govinda called Partner that just came out in India, but it'll probably be a year before it makes it to DVD here. Sigh. At least there's always You Tube.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Brief Notes
It's hard not to have the "what if I did this for a living?" fantasy about the writing, but I don't really find that to be a healthy influence; in fact the quality of the work suffers when I'm in any way thinking of who would ever want to buy it when I'm done. It's just not good for the writing to be looking at the WIP like it's a potential Powerball ticket where I can skew the odds if I just write really, really well. Because nothing can ever be brilliant enough for that, and it's leaving me quite dejected. So I've had to get my head straight and just focus on the craft again and not worry about whether or not it will sell. I haven't written any actual words for it in over a month, but I've come up with back stories on secondary characters I need to add to the second half, and also a sense of some other things which are missing. I'm focused to work now, but I'm not quite as joyful as I usually am when I write. Maybe I'll find the joy when I get in the zone.
On a totally unrelated note, Quin's company picnic is this Wednesday, and he's very excited for me to go. I don't go to any of my work's functions; since I work from home the only people I actually know are the other transcriptionists, with whom I have almost nothing in common, so there's very little point (plus, I just hate parties). Since Quin works for an engineering firm, his coworkers are all just like the guys I hung out with in high school, so that's cool for me (it's still a party, but a tolerable party). Quin is particularly anxious for me to go this time since he can dump me with his Indian coworker who has been lending me all of her Bollywood movies (almost all of which I went on to buy my own copies; those movies have an insanely high rewatch factor. I've had Hum Aapke Hain Koun on in the background while I've been working or doing whatever. I've only had it for two weeks but I've played it about 20 times. It's my favorite). Quin's not only been carrying these movies back and forth, but I have him ask her questions about what this or that means, or what other movies with the same actors are good. Then this became "Ask her which one she likes better, Aamir Khan or Salman Khan?" She says Aamir Khan, because Salman Khan has pictures taken with his shirt off and that's just so inappropriate in India. "Well, inappropriate photos aside, I like him in the movies. He's got this dorky-funny thing going on. He reminds me of a Hayao Miyizaki character, that big-hearted, opposite-of-cool vibe is just so... cool." Well, she says you may like Salman Khan now, but that's just because you've never seen Shah Ruh Khan. She doesn't have any of his, but here's a list of titles (none of which are here yet, so I still haven't seen Shah Ruh Khan). I don't know why he wants to get out of the middle of this fascinating conversation. I can't imagine a bunch of engineers giving him crap for discussing which actor is the cutest in this or that musical. Oh, wait...
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (the movie)