Here's a meme with pictures
I saw this on Andrew Wheeler's blog, and it was so cool I wanted to play. (You realize of course these blog posts which are all pictures are actually more work than the ones where I just type a bunch of stuff, right?).
Image meme: Plug your answers into Google Image Search and post the first image that comes up.
1. Your age on your next birthday:

2. Your favorite color:

3. Your middle name:
It's Ann. I'm not sure who she is; the world's most popular Ann, apparently.
4. The last meal you ate:
It was actually a bowl of oatmeal, not a plate of oatmeal cookies. It pays to be specific when Googling, I suppose. It was also a lot of hours ago; I'm doing this while I'm waiting for my very late lunch to come out of the oven.
5. Your bad habit:
I'll leave it up to you to decide what my bad habit is...
6. Your favorite fruit or vegetable:

7. Your favorite animal:
Why the suitcase? I don't know. It just came up first for "cat". But then again, cats universally do this, don't they? My cats fight over which one gets to sit in the suitcase.8. The town you live in:
Minneapolis, MN of course.9. The name of your pet or last pet:
OK, technically he's name for Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop, but there is a reason why I've been known to call him my little blondie bear.10. Your SO or best friend's nickname:
My husband is very anti-nickname. This is what came up for "Quin". Weird.12. Your crush's name:
My first response was more "as if! Happily married, thank you!". Then I remembered that my habit of watching stacks of movies back to back which feature the same actor has led Quin to refer to these actors as my crushes. (I could probably word that better if I weren't so stinkin' hungry - three hours at the dentist!). In that vein, Jet Li is my current crush. As soon as my chicken's done it's going to be the start of a ONCE UPON A TIME IN CHINA marathon.13. Your occupation:
That's even the same style of Dictaphone as I use! I actually prefer this picture, most of the runner-up images were insanely happy "workers" fake posing for the camera. She looks like she really does this for a living (although what she's doing with her hands there, I'm not sure. Waiting for the doctor to finish that cellphone call he answered without stopping the recording, I bet).14. Your birth city:
Since this would be the same as #8 (and doesn't that just make it seem like I've never been anywhere!), I Googled just "Mineapolis" this time. I'm probably biased, but I think it's the prettiest skyline ever, especially when you're looking at it from across one of the lakes.15. Your favorite song:
It's not everybody who's favorite songs are made into movies starring the Coreys. Actually, this movie isn't bad. The idea and the set-up are really quite cool, but the ending is a total hackjob. And the sequel? Complete waste of time. This is one of those movies I like to watch as a writer and try to figure out how to fix it.
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