Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Which reminds me, I never did get that video clip online*

Trying to break into the world of writing can be a drag. You will be rejected a lot. Even if you are good, if your piece isn't quite right for the publication, you will be rejected. It comes with a territory and you either grow a tough skin or stop submitting (sadly I've known a few good writers we have taken the second option).

The one thing I always say to myself when I file away yet another "I really liked this, but..." rejection: at least I'm not an actor. I didn't have to actually be there when the editor read it, and I didn't have to endure a face-to-face rejection. Because it's the same thing: you could be good but just not quite right for the part, but rejection always stings. Man, actors have a tough fight.

So I'm really pleased that an old friend of mine who went to Hong Kong to pursue his acting dream is getting his first little taste of success:

The sound guy with the boom mic and the earphones on is my old kung fu compatriot Pete Wong. Being in a commercial is like the short story sale of the acting world, it let's you take the "aspiring" off your self-descriptor. Hooray for Pete!

*The final diagnosis was the PC was just too slow to handle the video; it was glitchy when I got it to work at all. But it occurs to me this shiny new laptop of mine has a DVD burner. Might be worth investigating how that will work. Then I could show you some sweet kung fu...

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