Friday, October 10, 2008

Oh how I needed that...

We wrapped up school early today - sometimes that happens on Fridays - so the boys and I watched a movie together after lunch. We've been working our way through my vast (nearly complete) collection of MST3K episodes for a while now, but lately we've taken a side step to watch things I haven't seen before, namely Cinematic Titanic. It's from five of the MST3K writers (Joel, Mary Jo, Frank, Trace and Josh). The concept is the same; little silhouettes in the front rip bad movies. There are no robots this time and no outside of the theater bits, although they do pause the movie from time to time to digress.
Last week we watched The Oozing Skull, a mad scientist with a midget sidekick movie. But today we watched their second DVD, The Doomsay Machine. You know that thing where you laugh so hard you deprieve your brain of oxygen and start to get woozy? (Just me?) That's how funny the last ten minutes of this film are. Seriously. I finished watching the movie an hour ago and I'm still getting sporadic giggle fits.
Anyone else out there who needs a laugh as much as I did, go to and pick this thing up. You can even download it if you just can't wait.
Now if I can just stop tittering for five minutes, I can get some work down around here. You know, before I have to get to Work.

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