"Feb 13th -- wrote some stuff. It was crap...”
"Feb 14th -- wrote some brilliant stuff. This is going to be such a good novel. Honest it is...”
"Feb 15th -- No, it's crap...”
or alternatively:
“(Writing American Gods) was a bit like wrestling a bear. Some days I was on top. Most days, the bear was on top.”
And I'm on top of the bear at the moment, even if things are going oh so slowly.
At any rate, a new review for WARRIOR WISEWOMAN 2 is up at The Fix. Here's what Ziv Wities has to say about my contribution:
Kate MacLeod give us “Gardens of Wind,” which this reviewer considers one of the standouts of the anthology. Our protagonist Akeli is being pressured to choose a new mate, to a background of war, scarce resources, and life aboard enormous airships. Though the pressure is cruel, there is harsh necessity behind it, starting off the story with immediate tension. As the story flows its course, Akeli finds her solution, which is as sudden and surprising as it is satisfying. Very well done.
Which is where having a critique group really pays off. Because my first ending? Nowhere near as good as my post-critique ending.
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