Friday, July 21, 2006

Have you ever read a review so harsh, you just had to see the movie?

No one is liking M. Night Shyamalan's new movie Lady in the Water. I even think it looks lame, and I'm a big M. Night fan. Then I read Roger Ebert's brilliant review. Now I have to see this movie (not in theaters, on DVD; I'm not nuts).

Ebert says: "There will be no mystery, no discovery, here -- everything is going to be explained and explained and explained in the most banal, literalistic fashion. No show. Just tell." Wow, I didn't even know that was possible in a movie. Leastwise not outside of some of the fine films they did on MST3K where the filmmaker lost the soundtrack and replaced all the dialogue with voiceover.

But my fave is when he says: "It's a movie that insists on the importance of fairy-tale mythology and storytelling that doesn't respect the integrity of mythology or know how to tell a story...Were I the late Joseph Campbell, who devoted his life to exploring how myths are not arbitrary shaggy dog stories but speak to the hunger for meaning deep within our species, I would will my spirit to return from the Land of the Dead, raise my hollowed body from my grave, and pelt this movie with rotten lotuses."

Man, I gotta see this movie! It sounds like a complete train wreck.

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