Monday, September 24, 2007

I'm still working on stuff... another short post here. I just wanted to share this rather long article over at Making Light about the UFO spotted by Barney and Betty Hill (any documentary you've ever seen about alien abductions starts with the Hills). I found it amusing that no one who's done a story on these two has ever gone up to the road they were on and looked around, not even the fellow who wrote the book (using travel brochures). I do more research than that guy for my fiction (although I haven't been to Greenland. I wish I could go. It's hard to get a sense of what it smells like from photos).

I've never put all of my research books together, but between general Greenland research, books on the Inuit, books on the Troth, books on Chinese magic, and books on Mars it's got to be over 50. Some of those were from the library, though, so I guess I physically can't stack them up now.

I only mention because Marie Brennan photographed the books she used for Midnight Never Come, which I can't wait to read. Plus, she actually went to London. (Have you read Marie Brennan? You really should).

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