Monday, September 17, 2007

Sale #3!

I just sold my short story "Trifle" to Beyond Centauri (although I had actually submitted to Aoife's Kiss, so I got a letter that was both a rejection and an acceptance; a cool first). This was my first short story that came out actually short and not a mininovel, and I wrote it for the very first Backspace contest I ever entered. So I'm fond of it and glad it's found a home. On the other hand, it takes so long for me to find homes for things, everything I've sold so far has been at least two years old. I feel like I should put in my mini-bio "and I write much better now", but then I'd have to add "and in two years you'll find out!".

I still haven't really been sleeping, which makes me mood-swingy (can you tell?). I'm hopeful that after driving in for a meeting tonight I won't have to work again until Saturday (although I fully expect that day to suck, if this past weekend is any indication). I worked way too long yesterday and then stayed up later than I should have watching the last half of Avatar Season 2 now that we have the DVD. "One more episode and I'll go to bed... OK, one more episode and then I'll go to bed..." Which is sad, as I've seen them all before.

I am excited for the live action movies to come out. I mean, I was excited as soon as I heard M. Night Shyamalan was going to direct them, as I've loved everything he's done, even Lady in the Water. But they had a little interview with him as a bonus feature and when the two creators of the TV show asked him why he wanted to make Avatar when all of his previous movies have been his own stories, his answer without hesitation was "the martial arts". Yes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the sale! That's awesome!

I haven't been sleeping well, either, but because of my Crazy Downstairs Neighbor -- it definitely affects my moods, my work, everything!