Saturday, December 27, 2008

Some post-holiday musings

Christmas was pretty good around these parts. Not as much work as I expected, and I didn't get a terrible head cold until the day after Christmas, so that's good.

Aidan is very easy to shop for; he is always talking about what he wants to buy next and how much it costs as he pores over the Lego catalogs or browses Oliver, on the other hand, is tough because he never says anything. So we missed getting him his Red Ryder present-to-end-all-presents this year (some sort of Bionicle vehicle thingie. I can get into the Star Wars Legos, and the Indiana Jones Legos, and the "honestly, nothing to do with the Pirates of the Caribbean" pirate Legos, but Bionicles I just don't get). Luckily, when he pooled his gift money and the allowance he had saved up, he had enough to get it himself on the boys' annual day after Christmas trip to the Mall of America. (Not me, I stayed home with my head cold and work).

But when they got to the Lego store it initially appeared as if his dream set wasn't there. He looked and looked and just as he was about to give up (he tells me), these two people moved away and there it was, waiting for him. It was, he said, a Christmas miracle.

Quin was puzzled; this isn't a phrase that's heard around this house. Which of our many Christmas movies talk about Christmas miracles? Sadly, I knew at once what he was talking about. It may be the sheepish grin he gave me, but I knew just where he'd heard that phrase. I did the little dance to be sure and Oliver cracked up. Yes, this is where my littlest learned about the wonder of holiday miracles:

On an unrelated note, today we got a box of homegrown lemons in the mail. Aidan was looking on mostly to be sure there were no oranges in there; he hates oranges for some reason. I think it's the pulp. So Quin said, "You know what you do when life hands you lemons?" And having recently watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall I laughed. But Aidan said, "Make a lot of lemon juice, I guess."

Because you only get lemonade when life hands you lemons and sugar.

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