Saturday, May 21, 2005

Another short post

Two of my great musical loves converge: Yusuf Islam has done a single for tsunami relief and one of the other musicians involved is Magne Furuholmen from the band a-ha. The word "favorite" doesn't really describe my feelings for this band. They were crucial to getting me through the teen years, and just got better in my twenties and thirties when the rest of America forgot about them (oh, there are a few other fans here and there, but we're a rare breed).

At any rate, the song is called "Indian Ocean" and because its from Yusuf, whose not hip with the kids, and because it is 6+ minutes long you'll probably never hear it on the radio. I got it from iTunes. I'm sure the single is findable in the better music stores. Check it out. It's beautiful and sad and enchanting and really makes me wish Yusuf would record more music again.

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