Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Save Everything!

While I consider myself to be politically moderate, most of my charitable giving goes to more liberal organizations, so I end up on some really liberal mailing lists. Every other day comes with an impassioned plea for me to send money in order to help some organization I've never heard of do something.

When I was shuffling through the mail today I found what I thought was a rather thick phamplet commanding me to SAVE EVERYTHING! Well, that sums it up, doesn't it? Someone finally got fed up with only saving this animal or that ocean and decided we should pool our efforts and SAVE EVERYTHING! "Sounds expensive," I thought, somewhat wearily (I've been down in the dumps since my story got rejected by WOTF, and a trip to the mailbox is like walking to my execution. Will the Asimov's rejection come today?).

I did eventually realize that what I was holding was in fact a catalog, entitled SAVE ON EVERYTHING only the kid in rollerskates on the cover was covering up the "ON" with his head. Now I feel a bit silly about my earlier guilt that I wasn't doing enough to save the world.

Well, back to eating ice cream and watching the Chappelle Show. I need to nurse my hurt feelings for a few days before I get back to the writing (I really liked that story!).

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