Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Writing Update

Of Tapestries and Daemons is on its way to WOTF as we speak. My local post office has a new automated postage machine in the vestibule which is open 24/7, so my mailing woes are over. Of course, we have two cars now and I can drive to the post office anytime, but it's nice to have options. As far as the story goes, I think I fixed the ending. It seems to work for me. I'm not in love with it, like I was with Saga, but since Saga broke my heart, this is probably a good thing.

Still waiting to hear back from Asimov's on Tao of Troth. I found a website that tracks how long various magazines take to respond, which is comforting on two levels. 1) I have a better idea of when to expect to hear something and 2) I know I'm not alone in really obsessing about this. It's been longer than their average response time as reported by writers making submissions (which is longer than Asimov's says it will be), but not the maximum time reported (which is waaaaay out there). I'm still trying to decide if the long wait is a good sign or a bad sign.

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