Saturday, July 02, 2005


So, the Live 8 concerts are today. Lots of cool bands, tons of cities. Didn't they only do 3 last time? I remember Philly, NY, and London, but it was a long time ago and my memory may be wrong. I remember watching it. It was a weird time for me. We had just moved to MN from TN, and I was still adjusting to the idea that rock and pop were not from the devil. I'm not joking, by the way, that was really what I believed up to the age of 12. I remember watching LiveAid and really enjoying it, although I had no idea who most of the bands were. Here's a good bench mark: I recognized Lionel Ritchie and Tina Turner. That's how hip I was!

But back to the Grrrr. The paper did one of their very insightful articles which is just a bunch of blurbs that are supposed to be hip or witty or whatever. The kind of thing where you can tell the writers read a lot of Entertainment Weekly, know what I'm saying? And they listed my all-time fave band a-ha under head-scratchers. If they were performing in NY I suppose that would be a head-scratcher, but they're playing in Berlin. They never lost their popularity in Europe (or South America, or other large chunks of the globe which are not the US). They play arenas, people, and not just in Norway.

If a tree falls in the woods, and the woods aren't in America, does it even count? Or to paraphrase Mike Myers, "If it's not American, it's crap!!"


I'm working today but will be taping as much as they show on TV. Who wants to bet I never see my guys? Luckily, there are a lot of cool acts. I'm sure I'll see something I like. But I'm still pissed.

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