Saturday, October 22, 2005

On Scientology

Dennis Miller once lamented the fact that as much as Freedom of Speech is worth defending, does it really have to be 2 Live Crew's "Me So Horny" that we make a stand for?

Scientology, like 2 Live Crew, gets no respect. Why? It can't just be because it seems to be based on silly principles. That's true of almost any religion if you dig deep enough. Not to pick on the Mormons, but that would be a good place to start digging. But the Mormons are actually a good example. Most Mormons you meet are happy, well-adjusted people. They don't dowse for treasure, talk to ancient Egyptian gods, or practice black magic (not that there's anything wrong with that - pagan, remember?). I've never met a Scientologist, but I imagine if I did the space alien thing wouldn't come to mind either. Not to my mind, anyway; I can't speak for yours.

So what's my point? I'm tired of Scientology "jokes". It's socially OK to mock them in a way that it's not OK to mock, say Jews. Yes, yes, Freedom of Speech and all that, you can certainly say what you want, but unless you're George Carlin or Steve Martin you're not being funny. Bowfinger was hilarious, but note Martin is very indirect. The word "Scientology" never comes up, yet we all know that's what he's talking about.

What is being said isn't even particularly original, quite frankly; I hear the same comments over and over again. They're just being disrespectful and rude, and socially acceptable rudeness is the worst kind. What Freedom of Speech means is that you have a choice what to say and what not to say, and you distinguish yourself by not just saying everything that comes to mind.

All right, end of lecture. Speaking of Scientologists, may I recommend Beck's new song, "Girl"? Only Beck could write a song that sounds this happy yet contains the line "You know I'm gonna make her die." Maybe he means dye, like his clothes?

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