Monday, May 08, 2006

A link for writers

This is a must read:

I'm not sure who this guy works for, but he is hilarious. I haven't laughed this hard in a good long while. It's a bit like Miss Snark's Crapometer: he posts novel queries that people send him and makes... suggestions for improvements. I suppose a large part of the humor for me is a byproduct of being very nervous about making that query plunge when the novel is done (which is a ways off, but I like to get started early on the whole worry thing). But this quote really sent me off the deep end (Evil Editor's words are always the ones in the blue brackets):

Resolution is my 86,0000-word novel [If that's too many zeros, fine. If that's a misplaced comma, we need to talk.]

Of course it's possible this is only funny if you're a writer...

1 comment:

Kate said...

My fave is:

Research scientist Tarik Evert has no idea what’s wrong. He’s suddenly driven by a need so overwhelming, so urgent it’s painful. He wants to mate. No, he needs to mate. [Sounds like he has an excellent idea what's wrong--he's been in Alaska too long.]