Friday, August 11, 2006

Two master writers talking shop

Worked way too late last night. Stayed up even later reading this really cool thing in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. There is a new biography coming out on the writer James Tiptree, Jr., one of my sci-fi faves. For those not in the know, James Tiptree, Jr. was a sci-fi writer who won many Hugos and Nebulas but was a complete recluse. No one ever saw him. The reason for this was that Tiptree was actually a pseudonym used by Alice Sheldon. She was no ordinary woman, either. If she had never been a writer, hers would still be a biography I'd want to read (here's a Wikipedia article about her to give you a taste of what I mean, although it doesn't say as much as it ought to about her pre-writing life).

Now Ursula K. LeGuin is my absolute fave sci-fi writer, and I knew she had corresponded with Tiptree for many years thinking he was a man. To tie in with the release of the biography, FSF has printed a selection of their correspondence. If you're like me, nothing is cooler than two writers talking shop, especially two writers like these. I couldn't stop reading. If you're remotely into either of these writers, you really should check it out.

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