Monday, November 05, 2007

I'm going on a date this weekend!

Believe me that's exciting. It's a rare, rare thing when the stars align and we can get someone my very picky husband trusts who can come over for a few hours and watch a DVD and build Legos with our boys.

This one only happened because I'm still in owes for our tenth anniversary, which we spent in Duluth with both of our boys, one of my husband's brothers and one of his sister's boys, looking at ships in the harbor and visiting train and WWII museums. This hadn't been the original plan, and the husband has been in the doghouse for quite some time for derailing the original vaguely romantic plan in order to bring me along on a boys' weekend away. I'm only into trains if someone is dancing on them; and in fact I didn't go into that museum. I waited outside and read my Jasper Fforde novel. It was a gorgeous day, and the wind blowing off Lake Superior was marvelously pleasant; I enjoyed that couple of hours at any rate. I did go into the Richard Bong WWII Heritage Center (and it looked like we were the only folks there who didn't actually remember the bombing of Pearl Harbor, but it was a Friday morning). There was a little display there of things Richard Bong had had as a kid: his slide rule and his Boy Scout manual. It was very Heinleinesque, and I totally want a slide rule.

But I'm owed something resembling a romantic evening with just the two of us, so I'm making my husband go see a Hindi movie with me, Saawariya. It's the latest from one of my favorite filmmakers, Sanjay Leela Bhansali. It looks particularly Moulin Rouge-esque, with fantastic sets and twirling skirts and ooh! the colors! (For those of you who have strayed too near my house and have been pulled inside and forced to watch dance numbers, Bhansali is the director that did "Dhol Baaje"). It will all be too melodramatic for my husband's tastes, surely (although he seemed to like Devdas, so who knows?), and he's been forewarned that Salman Khan makes an appearance. It'll be a long day with working 8 hours, going to a 3 hour movie, then working another 2-3 hours, but I'm certain it will all be worth it.

On the writing front, I have my work cut out for me. The horrible weekend of working jumped me so early on Friday I didn't get any writing done that day either (I usually get at least half my usual writing time on Fridays, but it was zero this time), and I spent my "extra hour" on Sunday not sleeping or writing but working. There's nothing like sitting at a computer typing as fast as you can for ten or more hours to really kill any desire to sit in front of another computer typing, even if it's stories you desperately want to get out of your head (so I watched Spider-Man 3 with my boys instead. Kind of a "meh" after Spider-Man 2, frankly, but watchable enough I suppose. The Sandman was cool.)

Well, I'm off to do the teacher thing, so that I can hopefully have the time this afternoon to pound out a few thousand words. Wish me luck!

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