Tuesday, September 02, 2008

In brief...

I didn't get as much done last week as I wanted to. The combination of needing to work longer, later hours to help cover for illnesses, having to get up early pretty much every day last week for couch deliveries and a few different home repair things, and what my husband assures me has to be the last heat wave of the summer had me falling into comas every afternoon. (I know a nap when I take one, these were definitely comas).

I'm hoping to catch up a bit this week, but since two of those three things are still going on, plus school again... well, I'm not too hopeful. Which is a shame as I'm still a few chapters short of my Dr. Horrible Sing-along Blog Act 2 mark. And I let the boys watch Act 1. They're anxious to see Act 2. Very anxious. To the point of trying to roust Mom out of her coma. I'm afraid next week when I'm finally fully alert I'll find everything I've written since last Monday will read as if it were written by someone in a coma.

I did get some good news this week, though; another grocery company bought SimonDelivers and will be making deliveries starting in October. Going to the grocery store with the whole family has been surprisingly fun (particularly for my husband, who really really likes it. No, I don't get it either). Still, I only get two nights off in a week and I'd rather spend that time doing other things.

So, try to get more writing done this week, polish off my book and movie posts for August, and post some pics of the new couch and my freshly painted walls. I might be able to get a couple of those things done...

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