Thursday, November 03, 2005

For everything there is a season...

And this is basketball season! Finally I'm watching something on television that isn't Go, Diego, Go. Yesterday was the first game of the season. I was all set. I have Wally Sczcberiak wallpaper on the upstairs computer, Troy Hudson on the downstairs computer, and was wearing my Sczcberiak jersey. Oliver wanted to get in on the festivities too, but sadly his jersey is a Sprewell. I'll have to get him a new one.

Yes, the Timberwolves won the game, but I was very unimpressed. Their play was uneven and no one did anything really spectacular (except the new guy Richie Frahm, who sunk some three-pointers).

You know, I didn't used to watch basketball. Quin likes basketball. Technically we have a no TV in the evening rule, but that's never applied to basketball games or the Olympics. But it was only about two years ago that I was able to actually watch the games when they were on. That's the funny thing about babies - they are attention black holes. Particularly if they happen to be yours. I've been in the same room with a game on the TV a couple of nights a week for eight years and absorbed nothing.

But I did warn Quin, I do nothing by half-measures. I either don't care for something, or I'm obsessed with it. I'm not one of those "I watch such-and-such a show if it happens to be on" types. If I watch a show, I record every episode and analyze them to bits. Come to think of it, that's why I don't watch much TV. It's time consuming, being obsessed.

So anyway once I started watching basketball I got obsessed. I'm more into it than Quin is now. He can catch the score at the end of the game and be fine; I have to watch every minute and see every play. I mean jeez! It's not whether they win or lose, it's how they play the game. Right?

Well, here's hoping this year is better than last. I really don't want to see Kevin Garnett cry again.

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