Thursday, November 10, 2005

Spanking Kobe Bryant

OK, it wasn't actually a blow-out or anything but still, anytime we can wipe that smug, self-satisfied look off of Kobe's face is a good, good day. You see, the Lakers are one star plus back-up. But the Timberwolves are a team. I mean, look at who scored more than 10 in the game:

For the Lakers:
Bryant: 28
Odom: 15
Brown: 10
(these two mostly scoring when Bryant was sitting down)

For the Wolves:
Garnett: 17
Hassell: 14
Szczberiak: 13
Griffin: 13
Hudson: 10

While the rest of the Lakers were in the 0-2 range, there were a lot of Wolves nearly at 10 (but how much of a graph do you want? All of it? Here you go.) The graph's not everything, though. Anthony Carter had a spectacular 3-pointer and a really awesome block. File that under "it's how you play the game."

KG rocks because it's not about KG, it's about the Wolves. He doesn't want to be the biggest name in the NBA, he wants his team to win.

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