Friday, November 11, 2005

I'm going out of town

I know, I know; I post so infrequently you'd never notice I wasn't here if I didn't tell you. But there it is. I'm going to a wedding this weekend in Washington D.C. I leave tomorrow morning at an ungodly hour and don't come home until Monday afternoon. I'm traveling alone. No kids. No husband. Just me.


I'm pretty much a shut-in these days. Example: my husband heard other homeschooling dads talking about the importance of "Mom's Night Out" at a convention, but I opted for a "Mom's Night In" (that's my writing night when they leave and I have a quiet house all to myself). My groceries are delivered. Most of my other purchases are delivered. I could happily never leave the house. I'm not saying it's healthy, I'm just saying I'd be happy.

So tomorrow I will be navigating myself through airports, changing planes in Milwaukee, meeting lots of new people (AAAGGH!), staying in a hotel. And did I mention the public speaking? It's a short reading, and a small wedding, but still.... AAAGGH!

I'm sure once I'm on my way it will all be fine. I have my notebook already packed for all the writing I'll be doing while I'm alone (hahahahahahaha... excuse me). I have the new George R.R. Martin book Feast of Crows which I haven't started yet because I've been saving it for the trip. I'm sure I'll be just fine, thank you.


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