Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Numbercrunching with writing

You can always count on Tobias Buckell to tell it like it is. He did some number crunching regarding his short stories which is interesting. I was also about 15 when I wrote my first not-for-school story (and I wrote that first novel at 16), but my time since then has not been anywhere near as productive as his. But I also have two wonderful sons to show for my time so I can't kick myself too much. At any rate, I find the last figure he mentions particularly telling: Tobey figures he's made about $1 an hour at his writing overall. Hmm. I'm working on the third novel, I've written about 30 or so short stories. I've made a grand total of $25 from my writing (also when I was 16). I'm not crunching my own numbers, it will only make me cry.

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