Monday, March 13, 2006

Poor little blog... have been woefully neglected. The novel progresses slowly (see the handy-dandy little counter to the left). My goal is to be done by Christmas. There are two kinds of writers: writers who blast through their first drafts and then go back and rewrite (I envy them), and writers like me who take three steps forward than two steps back then three more forward... The upside of that is when I'm done, I'm done. I'll do one last read through to polish this and that, but nothing major. The downside is each chapter gets written and rewritten about ten times before I call it "done", and even then about every three chapters I back up and go over the old chapters again before I move on. I don't keep very close count of my words, but I would guess the 1000 words a day I write only translates to 1000 a week of keepable prose. So there you go. And forget about the month or two I spend on the outline. I am a pokey little puppy.

Good news: I've finished the short story that will be my WOTF entry this quarter, and I love it. It's my favorite thing I've ever written. Of course whatever I've just finished writing invariably becomes my favorite thing. But this is really good, and the research I did opened so many doors, I just might have to set a novel there someday.

You know, when this one is done.

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