Monday, August 04, 2008

A very disjointed post, written in 30 second snatches while the boy does math...

I saw The Mummy 3 last night. What a fun movie! This one has a new director: Rob Cohen, who always makes good popcorn. The use of ancient China was much more reverent than the use of Egypt was in the first two movies. Serious Egyptology would have been misplaced in a popcorn movie, I know, but an Egyptian magician whose magic is the plagues of a Hebrew god? It still makes me grit my teeth, and I liked that movie. There isn't more than a touch of Taoist alchemy in this movie, but at least what's there jives with what I've read. But I think it'd have to, or you wouldn't have Jet Li in your movie.

Plus there are yeti, and Shangra-La. And a three-headed dragon, and Michelle Yeoh, and Russell Wong. (Man, Russell Wong just isn't in enough stuff. I know I'm not the only one who remembers Vanishing Son.)

Originally The Mummy was supposed to be my trade-off with my husband, where we each take a night out alone to watch a movie, but I invited the whole family along for my night out, because popcorn is best when it's shared. Quin went out Friday to see the new Batman movie. I'll happily wait for the DVD on that one, partly because I think I'll find it too upsetting to watch right now, but mostly because I think it will be the sort of mind-twist movie where I spend days stewing about it after, which wouldn't be good when I'm supposed to be stewing on my own story just now.

And stewing I am; I woke up in the middle of the night early, early Sunday morning, suddenly realizing why chapter four didn't work. Then I couldn't get back to sleep until I fixed it, and then I was too keyed up to get back to sleep (so I blogged in the middle of the night; haven't done that before).

School and work week, so the goal is lower. 500 words a day should be doable, I hope. And that should have me at the end of chapter 8 by Friday, which of course means Dr. Horrible.

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