Friday, September 23, 2005

Seagull and Raven

The WOTF short story is done. Well, mostly done. I'm going to let it simmer in its own juices over the weekend and give it a final polish on Tuesday before I send it out. It will be the shortest thing I've ever subbed to WOTF at barely 15 pages. It's also the first thing I've written that fell into the "correct" Fleish-Kinkaid ranges. I don't know if this will bode well or not, but those are interestingly developments. I don't think there is a semicolon in the entire piece!

Someone who was critting this for me mentioned that it reminded her of Fast Runner. A quick search later, this turned out to be a movie that came out a year or two ago about the Inuit (in their own language to boot). So of course I had to track it down, to make sure my story wasn't a dim retelling of something I hadn't even seen. Luckily, the Inuit thing is the only real connection. It's a very interesting movie, shot with digital cameras it looks like, and it's just gorgeous. Particularly if you, like me, love snow. It's filled with culture tidbits, but it's also a really great story about two brothers. I highly recommend it, but I'm sure it's hard to track down for rental. I bought my copy from (of course).

So once this is off on it's way to sunny LA, I'll be turning my attention back to the last story, "Of Tapestries and Daemons" and seeing what I can do with that. I think it needs to lose about 2000 words just to start, but we'll see.

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